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中国書籍 日常会話
著者/発行 | 張輝、邱軍/北京語言大学出版社 |
発行年 | 2008年 |
ISSN等 | 9787561921616 |
サイズ | 21 x 28.4 x 0.6 cm |
重量 | 350g |
商品番号 | bk00263 |
参考価格 | 2,215円 (税込・送料別) |
販売価格 | 2,094円 (税込・送料別) |
ポイント | 60ポイント ※次回、商品代60円として使える。 |
発送状況 | 通常7日以内に現地発送可! |
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中国語が全く分からない外国人に向け、中国語をゼロからじっくり勉強できるシリーズ”成功之路”の入門篇『成功之路 入門篇』。CD1枚が付属!
致学習者 To Students
1 Ni hao!How do you do?/Hi!
語音注釈 Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声調符号的標注 Tone mark labeling
2.軽声 The neutral tone
3.第三声的変調 The sandhi in the third tone
2 Zao shang hao!Good ml rning!
語音注釈 Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.関于a,e,i的発音 On the pronunciation of a,e and i
2.[才并]写説明 Instruction on p inyin writing
3.第三声的変調 The sandhi in the third tone
3 Ni he shen me?What whld you like to drink?
語音注釈 Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母b,P,m,f的発音 The articulation of initials b,P,m and f
2.声母Z,G,S的発音 The aniculation of initials Z,C and s
3.単韻母e,u,0的発音 The articulation of mon0一finals e,u and u
4.第一声的発音The aniculation of the first tone
5.声調標注規則The rules about marking the tones
4 WO VaO huan renmlnbi.I’d like 10 change some money into RMB
語音注釈Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母d,t,n,I的発音 The articulation of initials d,t,n and I
2.声母zh,ch,sh,r的発音 The articulation of initials zh,ch, sh and r
3.韻母ai,ei,ao,OU的発音 The articulation of finals ai,ei,ao and ou
4.第二声的発音 The aniculation 0f the second tone
5 Ni au nar?Where are you going?
語音注釈Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母j,q,x的発音 The articulation of initials j,q and x
2.声母g,k,h的発音 The articulation of initials g,k and h
3.鼻韻母an,en,in;ang,eng,ing的発音 The articulation of nasal finals an,en,in;ang,eng and ing
4.第三声的変調 The sandhi in the third tone
6 Ni shi na guo ren?Where are you from?
語音注釈Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母z,c,s;zh,ch,sh;j,q,x的分辨 To differentiate the finals z,c,s;zh,ch,sh;j,q and x
2.韻母ie,Qe;Jan,Qan的発音 The pronunciation of finals ie,Oe;ian and Qan
3.第四声的発音 The articulation of the fourth tone
7 Zhe shi Women lla de zhaoplan.This is a photo of my fanily.
語音注釈 Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母r和l的分辨 The differentiation between initials r and I
2.軽声 The neutral tone
8 Ni xihuan chT shenme?What do you like to eat
語音注釈 Notes on Chinese Phonetics
児化 Retroflexion
生詞索引 Vocabulary
漢字索引 Index 0f Chinese Claraclers
致教師 To Teachers
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