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『政治 Battlefields of Asura -English Version-(台湾版)』 CD 1枚組

『政治 Battlefields of Asura -English Version-(台湾版)』

アーティスト 閃靈(ソニック)
発行出版 Ho Vision Entertainment Co. Ltd
発売年 2018年
ISRC等 CH26BA1810
種別/枚数 CD 全1枚
曲数 11曲
重量 250g
商品番号 mc45225
販売価格 3,946円 (税込)
ポイント 114ポイント


発送状況 発売日以降、入荷でき次第になります。

1個を総額 4276円(税・送料込み)でお届けします!




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台湾のブラックメタル・バンド 閃靈(ソニック)の全新專輯の英語バージョン『政治 Battlefields of Asura -English Version-(台湾版)』CD1枚組がニューリリース!


Five years after CHTHONIC’s new album Battlefields of Asura in collaboration with Hong Kong diva Denise Ho is now released!
Taiwanese heavy metal band CHTHONIC which is one of its kind finally comes up with its new album Battlefields of Asura five years after. In the past five years the five members of the band have turned new pages of their lives with the lead vocalist having organized a new political party and being successfully elected to a seat in the Taiwanese Parliament they never forget their promise to their fans about a new album. This time they even invited the Hong Kong diva Denise Ho to work with them to produce a uniquely Taiwanese-style heavy metal.
The 11 new songs is an adventure. It’s a journey with Taiwanese immortals. What await ahead are full hostility murderous emotions walls of iron that are difficult to conquer lusts and desires that are not easy to bid farewell too but there are also courage that inspires infinity. At the end of the adventure it turns out of a quest for the perpetual prajna. When you feel tears on your face you would realize that this is where all the stories told in CHTHONIC’s past albums come from.
Although this is an album about Taiwanese immortals showing off their muscles and elves fighting but everyone could find an exit for their anger a way to heal their wounds and find the power for rebirth

CD-English Version-
01. Drawing Omnipotence Nigh
02. The Silent One’s Torch
03. Flames upon the Weeping Winds
04. A Crimson Sky’s Command
05. Souls of the Revolution
06. Taste the Black Tears
07. One Thousand Eyes
08. Masked Faith
09. Carved in Bloodstone
10. Millennia’s Faith Undone
11. Autopoiesis
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