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『黄金時代』 CD 8枚組

アーティスト 張學友(ジャッキー・チュン)
発行出版 広東音像出版社
発売年 2012年
ISRC等 CNF180142400
種別/枚数 CD 全8枚
曲数 122曲
重量 1300g
商品番号 mc41042
販売価格 5,158円 (税込)
ポイント 149ポイント


発送状況 別途確認と再入荷に約1~2週間必要




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張學友(ジャッキー・チュン)のベストソングの集大成『黄金時代』 CD 8枚組が新発売!

CD 1
01. 不老的伝説 Ageless Legend
02. 愛是永恒 Love is Eternal
03. 譲[イ尓]愉快(譲我孤独) May you be Pleasant
04.離開以后 After Departure
05. 望月 Watching the Moon
06. [イ尓]的名字我的姓氏 Your first nameAttached with my family name
07. 只有[イ尓]不知道 Only you who didn’t know
08. 不想這是場戲 It couldn’t be a dream
09. 無上境的心痛 An everlasting Heartbreak
10. 真情流露 Outpouring of true feelings
11. 暗恋[イ尓] Loving you secretly
12. 日出時譲恋愛終結 End the love before sunrise
13. 来来回回 Come-and-go
14. 我哭了 I cried
15. 総会有一天等到[イ尓] You’ll be there till the end of my wait someday
CD 2
01. 忘情冷雨夜 To forget all at ra raining night
02. 旧情綿綿 Bygone love is continuous
03. 情已逝 Love was gone
04. 遙遠的[女也] She’s far away
05. 藍雨 Blue rain
06. 李香蘭 Li Xiang-Lan
07. 愛慕 Amour
08. 軽撫[イ尓]的臉 Gently fondle your face
09. 月半弯 Crescent
10. 哭泣 Cry
11. 仍是会喜歓[イ尓] I’ll still like you
12. 楚歌 Music of chu
13. 夕陽酔了 The setting sun is drunk
14. 絲絲記憶 Pieces of memory
15. 瑪利亜 Smile againmaria
16. 只有情永在 Only love can endure (張学友&[廣β]美雲)
CD 3
01. 只想一生跟[イ尓]走 I want to be with you all my life
02. 毎天愛[イ尓]多一些 I love you more day by day
03. 分手総要在雨天 Lovers always split up in Rainy Days
04. 還是覚得[イ尓]最好 I still find you the best
05. 只願一生愛一人 Just one love in my litfe is Enough
06. 当愛已成習慣 When love becomes a habit
07. 琳達 Linda
08. 一顆不変心 An unchanged heart
09. 明日世界終結時 Till the end of world
10. 等[イ尓]等到我心痛 Waiting till my heart breaks
11. 偸閑加油站 Service station for leisure
12. 相思風雨中 Love in all weathers
13. 太陽星辰 Sun and stars
14. 一生不酔醒 Drunk for a lifetime
15. [イ尓]是我今生唯一伝奇 You are the sole legend of my kife
16. 長流不息 Restless stream of people (張学友&黎瑞恩)
CD 4
01. 春風秋雨 All the year round
02. 期待 Expectation
03. 情系半生 Deep love of my life
04. 這一次意外 It’s an accident
05. 我与[イ尓] You and me
06. 等[イ尓]回来 Waiting for your return
07. 多麼的需要[イ尓] I need you so much
08. 這麼近(那麼遠) So close
09. 一些感覚 Some feelings
10. 釈放自己 Release myself
11. 原来只要共[イ尓]活一天 As long as i live one day for you
12. 怎麼舎得[イ尓] How can i be willing to leave you
13. 人生需要什麼 What life needs
14. 刹那有 Love in kinstant
15. 早已離開我 I’ve been lift long before
CD 5
01. 地震 Eathquake
02. 刹那愛 Love in instant
03. 追鐘 Hot pursuit
04. 屈到病 Shake off all constraint
05. 野猫之恋 Love for a wild cat
06. 這個冬天不太冷 This winter is not so cold
07. 我愛[王攵]瑰園 I love Rose garden
08. 偸心者 Thief of Heart
09. 懐不禁 Obseesin
10. 花花公子 Playboy
11. 忘記他 Forget him
12. 愛得比[イ尓]深 My love is deeper than yurs
13. 歓場 A place of Joy
14. 壮志驕陽 Lofty ideal as the Scorching sun
15. 餓狼伝説 Legend of the wolf
CD 6
01. 似酔還未酔 Drunkbut sober
02. 愛下去 Love will go on
03. 当我想起[イ尓] When i think of you
04. 深海 Deep sea
05. 心如刀割 Feel like my heart pierced by knife
06. [女也]来聴我的演唱会 She’s coming for my concert
07. [イ尓]好毒 You vixen
08. 有個人 There’s person
09. 我応該 I should
10. 愛[イ尓]痛到不知痛 Love you without knowing what is Pain
11. [イ尓]是我的春夏秋冬 You are the Seasons of my life
12. 二分之一的幸福 1/2 blessedness
13. 認床 Unused to te bed
14. 走過 1999pass through 1999
15. 和好不如初 It’s hard to mend a Rupture
CD 7
01. 不后悔 No regret
02. 失眠夜 Sleepless night
03. 真愛 True love
04. 擁有 Possession
05. 愛,一次給不完 Love cannot be given at a time (張学友&王菲)
06. 恋愛的人都一様 All people in love are te same
07. 微塵 Tiny dust
08. 好久 So long
09. [イ尓]知不知道 Do you know
10. [イ尓]冷得像風 Your coldness is like the wind
11. 甲乙丙丁 Just passengers (張学友&鄭中基&許志安)
12. 人在雨中 When standing in rain
13. 過客 Passerby
14. 誰想軽軽偸走我的吻 Who’d steal my kiss gently
15. [イ尓]最珍貴 You’re the most precious (張学友&高慧君)
16. 穿過[イ尓]的黒発的我的手 My hand moves through your black hair
CD 8
01. 吻別 Goodbye kiss
02. 祝福 Bless you
03. 回頭太難 It’s hard to return
04. 一千個傷心的理由 One thousand reason for my sorrow
05. 情書 Love letter
06. 心酔了無痕 Heart is broden without cracks
07. 紐約的司機駕着北京的夢 Dreams from Beijing in A New Youk
08. 偸心 Steal the heart
09. 我等到花兒也謝了 All flowers are fade during my wait
10. 情網 Net of love
11. 一路上有[イ尓] Thanks for having you on the way
12. 対[イ尓]的愛越深就越来越心痛 The deeper i lvoethe deeper i hurt
13. 忘記[イ尓]我做不到 I cannot forget you
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